Max Wilson

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Slade Thomas

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Allie Claire

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Max loves snow!!! I bought him a snow suit yesterday evening, and he wont take it off! So tonight Nathan was determined to find a sled to buy. I laughed at him! then politely told him it would be impossible to find a sled for purchase at this stage of the game. He was determined. So he came back from the store with a camping mat to make a temporary sled. After Max made cookie dough with Mimi, Max, Daddy and Grandaddy went out to sled. The cookie dough was chillin in the fridge while the boys were chillin outside. Here is a video of the sledding. Sorry for the darkness, it is just dark outside.

KK, here is a picture of the train cookies that Max and Mimi are making tonight! Thank you for the cookie cutters!!!

Slade's 1 year Pictures

Okay, so I finally broke down and took Slade to get his 1 year pictures made. I vowed that I would do the same for Slade as I did for Max, but it is very difficult! Hey, but atleast I am trying. Here are a few of the poses. I don't have the patience to upload them all. :)