Max Wilson

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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Birthday and Boo-Boos

Yesterday, Max turned 3. I cannot believe that I have a 3 yr old!!! He wanted a train birthday party so that is what we had. He told me Saturday morning when he woke up "I'm 3. I get 3 balloons for my party that fly high in the sky!" I had not bought balloons yet, so of course, we went out to get them. He loved them. He also kept asking "is it time for my party?" He was so excited. I had made a homemade train cake, per Max's request. It had a "big black engine, a coal car, and a little red cacacaboose." (Max says cacacaboose because his Meme wanted him to learn to read and sound out his words. Apprently Max doesnt need to sound out his words because he now pronounces the word that way)

Everyone had a great time at the party. Max didn't know what toy to play with first.

After all his friends left and we were visiting with the family, Max was playing with his new firetruck on the couch with Granddaddy. He was sitting on his knees on the couch facing backwards and playing. All of a sudden, he lost his balance and fell backwards and wacked his head on the edge of the coffee table. His "big noggin" was fine, but his ear however was not. It immediately started dripping blood and had a big gash on the front side and the backside. A little harder and it would have cut all the way through. So a fabulous birthday ended with a trip to Kosair Hospital for 3 stitches. The Versed that they gave him for sedation made him very drunk and he couldn't stand up or hold up his body. He started talking out of his head, then singing Itsy Bitsy Spider but with each word slurred. It was hilarious to watch a drunk 3 year old.

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