Max Wilson

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Slade Thomas

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Allie Claire

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow Day!

Max loves snow! When he woke up this morning, we told him that it had snowed. He immediately went to the front door, opened and when he looked outside he said "i need my boots on". He then went to find his Thomas the Train snow boots and put them on. He then said " i put my boots on all by myself. I can go outside now." Of course, I being the awful mother than I am, said "you have to eat breakfast first" which caused a major melt down in the middle of the living room floor. Crocodile tears flowed and the repeated " I just wanna play in the snow" "I need to shovel". Knowing that Granddaddy would let him play in the snow, he kept asking " can I go to Granddaddy's house?" after visiting with friends and going to the store, we finally made it to Granddaddy's house and guess what, he finally got to play in the snow. Max wanted to shovel something (he is such a little helper) so he and Granddaddy went to shovel an elderly lady's drive. Max is such the little giver and I hope that he continues to have a heart for others as he continues to grow. I ask God each day to help us raise him to love God and others.

Baby Slade doesn't particularly care for the cold weather. He has had a runny nose, etc for a couple of days so we have been trying to keep him indoors. His skin is so sensitive, his cheeks are chapped from just being outside for a minute. Tonight, he ate potato soup and loved it! He is getting to be so big and do "big boy" things.

It is so wonderful to be at home with them a few days each week. So "Quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep, I am playing with my babies and babies dont keep" !

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Slade's Birthday is quickly approaching :(

Slade's new trick is to clap his hands. It makes him very happy to do this. He also pays attention to the television and when someone on the show claps, he joins in. Too cute!

It dawned on me today, that "oh my gosh! Slade will be 1 in less than a month!" How did the time pass so fast? My life is so wonderful and I am so blessed with an awesome family. Here are a few pictures that I took today. Isn't he cute !?!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Max loves to open presents. His and everyone elses too!

Baby Slade is a bit larger in his stocking than Max was on his first Christmas.

Ok, so I have not been keeping up very well. I am vowing to do better. Here are a few pictures from Christmas and the snow. There are more pictures that I would like to add, but I haven't gotten them from aunt k.k. yet. Will try to add more soon.