Max Wilson

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Slade Thomas

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Allie Claire

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Wow! The last two weeks have been a bit crazy. 3 12's then ladies retreat Friday and Saturday, then a day trip to Dale Hollow to pick up Nathan and arrived back at home around midnight (did I mention daylight savings time?), followed by 3 more 12's then a busy, busy hard working weekend at the Women's Emmaus walk and arrived home at 1 in the morning. This may not sound like a lot, but for a pregnant woman, it was tough. Did I mention the boys and Nathan have all been sick?!? Oh yeah, an open house and 2 house showings thrown in there!

Anyway, enough complaining. Max had his first gymnastics class on Monday. He was so excited to go and enjoyed every minute of it. He didn't want to leave and asked if he could go back the next day. He did pretty well considering it was his first time. The most important thing is that he had fun! I promise to get pictures next time, with all the craziness, I forgot my camera :(

Allie still wouldn't show her face for the ultrasound, so we will try again at 32 weeks. Currently she is breech!!! So prayers are coveted for her to turn around. The doctor said she has plenty of fluid and plenty of time to turn, so let's pray that she does.

Since we have had 2 crazy weeks, Slade has been spending time sleeping at Meme and Granddaddy's house. This isn't usually a problem, but he moved to the "big boy bed" there. They bought the boys really cool bunk beds and Slade had been sleeping on the full size mattress on the bottom. So Monday when I tried to put him down for a nap, he adamently refused even though I made him stay in there. So Monday we went on the search for a toddler bed. After visiting numerous resale shops and not finding one, we finally found a really cute one at Wal-mart. While Nathan and I were putting it together, Slade kept coming in and asking "what are you doing in here?". Once it was assembled, he came in, climbed in, and said "night night mommy, my bed." He got his blanket, laid down and we didn't hear a peep out of him. I was expecting it to no go so well last night, but he did great! He took his bath, got on his pj's, picked up his blanket and laid down. I feel so blessed. If only the potty training would go so easily. Maybe if we wait until he is ready, it will be a little eaiser.

I will post pictures of his bed once I get my camera back from Nathan.

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