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Monday, March 14, 2011

What I learned this weekend...

* Christian ladies can be a lot of fun.
* Actions speak louder than words.
* You never know who is watching you, looking up to you, who you are inspiring or discouraging.
* Serving others blesses you.
* The closer you are to God, the harder the devil works.
* My children miss their mommy and daddy when we are away.
* Home is a happy place for my kiddos and they want to be there as a family.
* I have amazing friends.
* God has a special plan for our family that may take us out of our comfort zone, but He will use us to show the love of Christ.

I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.

Show us your way. Help us to trust you and your plan for our futures. Lead us in teaching our children how great you are, how big you are, how much love you have for us, and how to show that love to others. Mold us to be examples and others to see you in us. Teach us to "keep You out of the box". Help us to not put rules on our faith, but rather seek your direction and callings. Remind us the "it gonna keep getting better"

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