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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Letting Go

Slade has had a couple firsts this week. He is pulling up, standing and letting go. Of course, only to fall, but he us trying. Today, he also started to drink from a sippy cup. He loved it! He just picked it up and started drinking. Nathan and I decided it was time for the sippy cup, when he picked up Max's juice box and started drinking from the straw.

Max is doing very well with his potty training. He is even letting us know when we are out. We are so proud. I guess we will make good on our promise and buy him a bike for his birthday. Max also has started "reading" his books all by himself. He can tell you the whole story of The Little Red Caboose almost word for word. Max also enjoyed pushing his wheelbarrow and riding his tractor outside today until the battery ran out. He promptly told us "I need more gas"

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