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Sunday, November 8, 2009

November Post #1

Slade is a busy little guy these days! He is on the move everywhere. He not only can crawl and pull himself up, but he has learned to climb. I am just waiting for the trip to Kosiar's to set a broken arm!

Grunkle Jim is one of Max's favorites! As you can see from the mess in the floor, Grunkle Jim lets Max do just about anything he wants to. I suppose that is what uncles are for :)
Cousin Anna is lots of fun too!

Both of my boys seem to want to be musicians. Slade is enjoying playing the guitar with uncle Joe.

Grandmother and Granddaddy Pentecost enjoy seeing the boys too! It is wonderful that they get to have lots of grandparents in their lives.
Now the boys are back in Louisville and both were very happy to see Mommy and Daddy (or Mom as Max says sometimes now! I thought they were atleast 5 before they lost the Mommy) We of course were very excited to see them. They are such little travelers! We are so blessed!
Love to all of our followers :)

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