Max Wilson

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I so wish I had a video camera set up in my car!! I did have my camera, but I couldn't fish it out and drive at the same time, so I will just have to tell you the story.

We were driving along in the van yesterday and Max asked Slade if he wanted to sing. Slade said yes, so Max started singing "Wise Man Built His House on a Rock". (Slade's favorite song) After they had sang it a few times through, Max said, "ok Slade, its time for a new song. Let's sing 'There was a Man who Had a Dog'" so they started singing together in the sweetest voices ever. Then Max says, "ok Slade we have to count. How many times do we clap?" Slade says"3". Max "No Slade! 1." So they sing again and then Max asks again, "How many times do we clap now?" Slade once more says 3. Max says "NO Slade. We clapped 1 time last time. What comes after one?" Slade says "2" and they sing again. They continued this until They had sang the whole song. It was precious, Max teaching Slade what numbers come after each other.

Priceless Memories!

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