Max Wilson

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Slade Thomas

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Allie Claire

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Slade's Birthday

2 years ago today, my life changed forever. My heart grew and we welcomed a sweet bundle of joy. My sweet, sweet Slade I can't begin to tell you how much I love you. You make me smile and I love your sweet hugs and kisses. The way that you want me to cuddle with you in the mornings when you first wake up and the way you say "Mommeeeeeee!!!!" when I walk in the door after being away. You have a sweet spirit and I love talking to you, watching you play and grow and discover the world around you. My darling boy, I can't wait to see what your future holds.

Thanks to our awesome friends and family that made Slade's party a success. Who needs toys when you have Murray, Joe and Nathan to climb on?
As you can see Max is such a sweet friend to Cole and Cole loves every minute of it. Poor Rylee. I know she cant wait until the other girls are big enough to play
so she can have some girl friends. But don't feel too sorry for her, she can hold her own with the boys.

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