Max Wilson

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Slade Thomas

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Allie Claire

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, February 6, 2011


So... It has been a really long time since I have posted. I am going to make an honest effort to keep up with this.

Lots of things are happening at the Pentecost house. For those who don't already know, we are expecting. Allie Claire should grace us with her presence somewhere around June 26th! The boys are so excited to have a baby girl. Max says that his mommy has a baby girl in her tummy and her name is Allie and that he has a baby boy in his tummy and he is going to name him Slade so we can have 2 Slades! Too funny.

Max is so big now (pictures to come)! He is so smart and independent and wants to be a helper. One of his favorite things to do these days is wash the dishes. I think he more enjoys playing in the water, but I don't mind.

Slade is almost 2! Where did the time go? He is also very independent and wants to do whatever Max is doing. He also likes to sing "The Wise Man Built His House" song and count all the way to 13!

I am a proud momma of these two precious gifts that I have. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE spending the weeks with them. They crack us up!

Nathan is also much happier! (Thank goodness!) He is now teaching 8th grade Science at Meyzeek Middle School and he loves it! Thank you God for the blessings!

And if we didn't already have enough stuff going on, we have decided to sell our house and look for something larger and closer for Nathan to drive to work. Please keep us in your prayers that our house sells, we find another house (that is move in ready, hey why not wish for everything) and can move before Allie arrives. It may be wishful thinking, but you never know.

Well, I'm at work and can't upload pictures, but I will as soon as I can!

1 comment:

  1. Aaaahhh!!!! She's back! So excited to see your new post today! Haha. I'll be your blog accountability partner. ;)
