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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Fun Times

So your impressed, right? 3 posts within a week!!! I am sure proud of myself. My very dear friend Erin has vowed to keep me blogging, and I am keeping up, atleast for now.

Yesterday we put our house up for sale. Exciting, scary, many emotions. The hard part is going to be keeping it "staged" with 2 very busy little boys. So today after the man came to clean the carpets, we decided to get out of the house. I knew it would be imposiple to keep the boys off the carpet while it dried. So we headed to Chuck E Cheese with Cole, Erin, Rylee and Carla. Christy, Joe, Cole and Lilly joined us too. We had such a good time. Max even got to spend some of his tickets he has won since his party. He had so many, he ran out of things to "buy" so we still have bunches of tickets left. I am so proud of him for agreeing to save some for later. He is such a big boy!

Tonight while the boys are spending their special night with Mimi and Grandaddy, Nathan and I went to "Guess who is coming to dinner". A social event where you are given an address and told what side to bring and you show up to someones house along with 2 other couples. It is so much fun. It's great to have dinner with couple that you don't normally get to spend time with, learning more about the people that attend our congregation.

Well, that's enough for now. I'm just trying to keep good with my promise to keep on blogging.


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