Max Wilson

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Slade Thomas

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Allie Claire

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Easter Fun

Max and I had a great time today making easter jello gigglers and coloring Easter eggs. My fingers and nails may be permenatly stained, but we had a great time! Max got his picture taken with the Easter bunny at gymnastics last night. He is really excited about the holidays this year, so it makes it very fun. I tried to get pictures at gymnastics, but our camera isn't quite good enough. He was moving to fast and too far away. He did great flipping on the bars.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Wow! The last two weeks have been a bit crazy. 3 12's then ladies retreat Friday and Saturday, then a day trip to Dale Hollow to pick up Nathan and arrived back at home around midnight (did I mention daylight savings time?), followed by 3 more 12's then a busy, busy hard working weekend at the Women's Emmaus walk and arrived home at 1 in the morning. This may not sound like a lot, but for a pregnant woman, it was tough. Did I mention the boys and Nathan have all been sick?!? Oh yeah, an open house and 2 house showings thrown in there!

Anyway, enough complaining. Max had his first gymnastics class on Monday. He was so excited to go and enjoyed every minute of it. He didn't want to leave and asked if he could go back the next day. He did pretty well considering it was his first time. The most important thing is that he had fun! I promise to get pictures next time, with all the craziness, I forgot my camera :(

Allie still wouldn't show her face for the ultrasound, so we will try again at 32 weeks. Currently she is breech!!! So prayers are coveted for her to turn around. The doctor said she has plenty of fluid and plenty of time to turn, so let's pray that she does.

Since we have had 2 crazy weeks, Slade has been spending time sleeping at Meme and Granddaddy's house. This isn't usually a problem, but he moved to the "big boy bed" there. They bought the boys really cool bunk beds and Slade had been sleeping on the full size mattress on the bottom. So Monday when I tried to put him down for a nap, he adamently refused even though I made him stay in there. So Monday we went on the search for a toddler bed. After visiting numerous resale shops and not finding one, we finally found a really cute one at Wal-mart. While Nathan and I were putting it together, Slade kept coming in and asking "what are you doing in here?". Once it was assembled, he came in, climbed in, and said "night night mommy, my bed." He got his blanket, laid down and we didn't hear a peep out of him. I was expecting it to no go so well last night, but he did great! He took his bath, got on his pj's, picked up his blanket and laid down. I feel so blessed. If only the potty training would go so easily. Maybe if we wait until he is ready, it will be a little eaiser.

I will post pictures of his bed once I get my camera back from Nathan.

Monday, March 14, 2011

What I learned this weekend...

* Christian ladies can be a lot of fun.
* Actions speak louder than words.
* You never know who is watching you, looking up to you, who you are inspiring or discouraging.
* Serving others blesses you.
* The closer you are to God, the harder the devil works.
* My children miss their mommy and daddy when we are away.
* Home is a happy place for my kiddos and they want to be there as a family.
* I have amazing friends.
* God has a special plan for our family that may take us out of our comfort zone, but He will use us to show the love of Christ.

I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.

Show us your way. Help us to trust you and your plan for our futures. Lead us in teaching our children how great you are, how big you are, how much love you have for us, and how to show that love to others. Mold us to be examples and others to see you in us. Teach us to "keep You out of the box". Help us to not put rules on our faith, but rather seek your direction and callings. Remind us the "it gonna keep getting better"

Monday, February 28, 2011

Excuse Me

Max: "mommy bring me my drink." as he is sitting at a table 4 feet from me.
Me: "Excuse me. You can come and get your own drink."
Max: "Excuse me, mommy, bring me my drink."

The whole room erupted with laughter. A simple please would have been great!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Slade's Birthday

2 years ago today, my life changed forever. My heart grew and we welcomed a sweet bundle of joy. My sweet, sweet Slade I can't begin to tell you how much I love you. You make me smile and I love your sweet hugs and kisses. The way that you want me to cuddle with you in the mornings when you first wake up and the way you say "Mommeeeeeee!!!!" when I walk in the door after being away. You have a sweet spirit and I love talking to you, watching you play and grow and discover the world around you. My darling boy, I can't wait to see what your future holds.

Thanks to our awesome friends and family that made Slade's party a success. Who needs toys when you have Murray, Joe and Nathan to climb on?
As you can see Max is such a sweet friend to Cole and Cole loves every minute of it. Poor Rylee. I know she cant wait until the other girls are big enough to play
so she can have some girl friends. But don't feel too sorry for her, she can hold her own with the boys.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I so wish I had a video camera set up in my car!! I did have my camera, but I couldn't fish it out and drive at the same time, so I will just have to tell you the story.

We were driving along in the van yesterday and Max asked Slade if he wanted to sing. Slade said yes, so Max started singing "Wise Man Built His House on a Rock". (Slade's favorite song) After they had sang it a few times through, Max said, "ok Slade, its time for a new song. Let's sing 'There was a Man who Had a Dog'" so they started singing together in the sweetest voices ever. Then Max says, "ok Slade we have to count. How many times do we clap?" Slade says"3". Max "No Slade! 1." So they sing again and then Max asks again, "How many times do we clap now?" Slade once more says 3. Max says "NO Slade. We clapped 1 time last time. What comes after one?" Slade says "2" and they sing again. They continued this until They had sang the whole song. It was precious, Max teaching Slade what numbers come after each other.

Priceless Memories!

Monday, February 14, 2011

My Valentines! These boys are the light of my life. After opening their "mail" and eating their Mickey Mouse chocolates that mommy gave them, they are drinking their milk watching cartoons. Happy Valentines Day Max and Slade! Mommy loves you!

Fresh Roses!!!!! I love them!! My husband thinks that cut flowers are a waste of money. "I buy something that is already dying." He would rather buy a plant or something that isn't just going to end up in the garbage. So needless to say, I was super suprised to find a very sweet card and these very beautiful roses waiting for me when I got home from work last night. They definetly made my day! For those of you who don't know, Nathan and I met in September of 2004, the day after he moved back to Louisville. His lovely mother told him that there was this really cool girl that he should meet, that she was a student at U of L and would be a good buddy to hang out with. She says that she doesn't set people up, but we all know that she secretly wanted to keep me as her daughter-in-law! We got engaged in March of 2005 and got married July 9th, 2005. These last 5 and a half years have been wonderful and I am very blessed to share my life with Nathan.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Fun Times

So your impressed, right? 3 posts within a week!!! I am sure proud of myself. My very dear friend Erin has vowed to keep me blogging, and I am keeping up, atleast for now.

Yesterday we put our house up for sale. Exciting, scary, many emotions. The hard part is going to be keeping it "staged" with 2 very busy little boys. So today after the man came to clean the carpets, we decided to get out of the house. I knew it would be imposiple to keep the boys off the carpet while it dried. So we headed to Chuck E Cheese with Cole, Erin, Rylee and Carla. Christy, Joe, Cole and Lilly joined us too. We had such a good time. Max even got to spend some of his tickets he has won since his party. He had so many, he ran out of things to "buy" so we still have bunches of tickets left. I am so proud of him for agreeing to save some for later. He is such a big boy!

Tonight while the boys are spending their special night with Mimi and Grandaddy, Nathan and I went to "Guess who is coming to dinner". A social event where you are given an address and told what side to bring and you show up to someones house along with 2 other couples. It is so much fun. It's great to have dinner with couple that you don't normally get to spend time with, learning more about the people that attend our congregation.

Well, that's enough for now. I'm just trying to keep good with my promise to keep on blogging.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

All About Kids

Today we ventured out to All About Kids. The boys had a blast. Cole and Libby joined us there. Max and Slade did not want to leave. Here are a few pictures of the fun!

The funny thing about this picture is the boy in the middle. We don't know him, but apparently his name is Cole. As I was trying to get our Cole's attention, he kept looking at me like I was crazy. "hey lady, i AM looking at you!" Too funny!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


So... It has been a really long time since I have posted. I am going to make an honest effort to keep up with this.

Lots of things are happening at the Pentecost house. For those who don't already know, we are expecting. Allie Claire should grace us with her presence somewhere around June 26th! The boys are so excited to have a baby girl. Max says that his mommy has a baby girl in her tummy and her name is Allie and that he has a baby boy in his tummy and he is going to name him Slade so we can have 2 Slades! Too funny.

Max is so big now (pictures to come)! He is so smart and independent and wants to be a helper. One of his favorite things to do these days is wash the dishes. I think he more enjoys playing in the water, but I don't mind.

Slade is almost 2! Where did the time go? He is also very independent and wants to do whatever Max is doing. He also likes to sing "The Wise Man Built His House" song and count all the way to 13!

I am a proud momma of these two precious gifts that I have. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE spending the weeks with them. They crack us up!

Nathan is also much happier! (Thank goodness!) He is now teaching 8th grade Science at Meyzeek Middle School and he loves it! Thank you God for the blessings!

And if we didn't already have enough stuff going on, we have decided to sell our house and look for something larger and closer for Nathan to drive to work. Please keep us in your prayers that our house sells, we find another house (that is move in ready, hey why not wish for everything) and can move before Allie arrives. It may be wishful thinking, but you never know.

Well, I'm at work and can't upload pictures, but I will as soon as I can!